is a health condition caused by overproduction of thyroid
hormone by the thyroid gland. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
include rapid heartbeat, enlarged thyroid (goiter),
moist skin, trembling or tremors, erratic pulse pressure
levels (too high or too low), fatigue, anxiety, weight
loss, bulging eyes, excessive sweating, increased appetite,
low tolerance to heat, diarrhea, chest pain, and gastrointestinal
disorders. In older people with hyperthyroidism, however,
the opposite of the above symptoms can occur. Overall,
hyperthyroidism is much rare than hypothyroidism (under
active thyroid function).
What To Consider
thyroid is one of your body's "master" glands, meaning
that it influences and regulates overall metabolism
and the overall health of most of the cells in your
body, including helping to form protein RNA (the building
blocks of life) for every cell and to increase oxygen
consumption by most cells.
Located at the base of the neck, the thyroid
gland consists of two lobes, one on each side of the
windpipe (trachea).
Hyperthyroidism may be associated with and often is
called Graves' disease, a condition characterized by
an enlarged thyroid, bulging eyes bulge, rash and swelling
in front of the lower leg.
Self-Care Tips Diet Eat
an organic, whole foods diet, emphasizing foods that
naturally suppress excess thyroid hormone production.
Such foods include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, rutabagas, spinach,
turnips, soybeans, peaches, and pears. Eliminate dairy
products, over consumption of wheat products, coffee,
tea, and caffeinated soft drinks.
The following nutrients can help regulate thyroid function:
vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin B1 (thiamine),
vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, choline, trace minerals,
iodine, kelp, and thyroid glandulars.
Apply ice packs as needed to reduce thyroid function.
The homeopathic remedy Thyroidium is very helpful
in assisting in proper thyroid regulation.
Drink carrot, celery, spinach, and parsley juice, or
juice made from a combination of cabbage, watercress,
and spinach.
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures,
seek the help of a qualified health professional.
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