also called hiccoughs, are caused by the vocal chords
suddenly closing in response to a sudden contraction
of the diaphragm. Hiccups are an extremely common occurrence
and usually are not serious.
What To Consider
attacks that do not go away, while rare, may require
medication or surgery as they cause severe exhaustion.
Self-Care Tips
Diet Chew
a piece of dry or charred toast, very slowly, or sip
a glass of water while walking slowly but continuously,
until hiccups stop.
Charcoal tablets or chewable papaya enzymes can cause
hiccup attacks to abate.
Mix two parts honey and one part castor oil and take
one teaspoon of this combination during a hiccup attack.
Combine the tinctures of black cohosh, skullcap, and
vervain and take ten drops of this mixture in a little
hot water. Or sip a warm infusion of chamomile tea.
Nux vom., Mag phos., Ignatia, Lycopodium, Ginseng,
and Acidum sulf. Are useful homeopathic remedies.
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures,
seek the help of a qualified health professional.
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