Corns are painful, hardened, cone-shaped areas of increased
growth of the corneous layer of the skin (hence their
name). They occur mainly over the toe joints and between
the toes on the foot. Corn symptoms may only hurt in
response to pressure or they may hurt spontaneously
for no apparent reason.
What To Consider
Calluses, warts, localized injury and inflammation,
infection, or poor circulation can all manifest symptoms
similar to corns. Corns, when pared away with a sharp
instrument, have a clearly outlined translucent core,
which is how you can be sure if you suffer from them.
The hardest corns occur mainly on the toes, while softer
corns occur mainly between the toes.
Prevention and Self-Care Tips
Prevention is the most important and is accomplished
by eliminating undue pressure at certain sites of the
foot. Assessment by a podiatrist, osteopath, or chiropractor
who can evaluate foot gait, the role of other joints
such as the pelvis in foot pressure problems, shoes,
and your possible need for orthotics, pad, mole-skins,
etc., is very important in the prevention, as well as
the treatment of corns.
Proper treatment also involves better fitting shoes,
since corns can disappear when the inappropriate pressure
is eliminated. Although podiatrists can pare the corn
away, the underlying cause still needs to be determined
and addressed. Patients with recurring corns and calluses
need ongoing treatment by a podiatrist. Patients with
poor circulation from serious diseases such as diabetes
mellitus also require special and regular care.
Nutritional Supplementation
Vitamin A and vitamin E can be applied topically and
taken orally. Essential fatty acids are also recommended,
particularly omega-3 oils.
Lemon and/or verucas essential oils rubbed into the affected area can
relieve pain caused by corns.
Flower Essences
Rescue Remedy Cream applied topically can also be helpful.
Herbs Apply
a salve made from calendula petals two to three times
a day. This will soon soften the tissue and it also
acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Graphites, Silicea, and Antim crud are
useful homeopathic remedies to help relieve corn symptoms.
Take hot Epsom salt foot baths, then rub corns with fresh lemon juice
Topical Treatment
Apply aloe vera gel and/or rub castor oil on corns twice daily.
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures,
seek the help of a qualified health professional.
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